Friday 28 February 2014

' The Navigator ' Review: Sketch 7 & 8: Dominance, Dependance & Flow cycles...

SKETCH 7: Dominance & dependance?

Why Does dominance catalyse dependence?

Dropbox gesture catalysed a perceptual frame via individual choice which in turn channeled certain learned behavioural reactions...........? (manipulation?)
Context: Within our class a shared dropbox file for literature was suggested as a way for the group to collborate and gather literature
Working together was the desired goal and interest of myself...the suggestion was accepted and the group than responded in a conditioned way that allowed a conditioned pattern of behaviour and with it a power dynamic to emerge... 

External construction patterns:......desirable particulars for self interest fuelled the reality construction being which were acquired by certain moves that manipulated the group...........

E.g. persuasion to encourage submission and relinquishment of responsibilities......


Framing methods of reality?

(Link to dropbox digestion sketch)
Sketch 8: Concept - FLOW Cycles: Climate for change

Individual change/growth requires seeing the self, trusting and accepting criticism, digesting and exchanging energy through interactions and adapting through modification.....learning...
Life is change...
Energy is always flowing...moving...

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