Wednesday, 2 October 2013

More Sketching......Possible Thesis Abstract.....

Up until now i had thought that these ideas were only ever going to wander around inside my head but maybe i was wrong......maybe they could be of use to others......?
To be honest i was amazed that this abstract was understood, let alone accepted by one of my professors......exciting times......been dreaming about these ideas for way too long......maybe....just maybe.....they might happen........early days but very exciting........
Energic Relation Theory.........
Sociology Abstract:

Hypotheses: As well as the commonly mentioned Marxist sphere concerning the means of production within society it is proposed that there is also a more humanistic sphere constituting the means by which we relate to one another. It is suggested that energic transactions within this relational sphere (meta, micro (people interacting), mesa, macro (state interactions) levels) catalyse and effect its motion (frequency, vibrations) and collective output through a flow of exchanges involving energy that manifests into matter and reality as we know it.

This relational sphere is linked to 2 other transactionally interacting energic spheres which collectively constitute our ontology. These are thought to be energically related to one another by way of larger relational exchanges of energy.......(3 spheres = divine sphere, production sphere, relations sphere). This energically relational idea can be paralleled with that of planetary relationships in our solar system in terms of forces of gravity, mass, density, orbiting patterns etc.

The collective vibrations and frequencies of these three spheres are determined by there internal dynamics (e.g. like the 'Milieu Interior' (Claude Bernard, 1865) of the body, internal homeostasis - achieved through multiple dynamically balancing mechanisms) and also there energic relations to one another (external homeostasis). Therefore the motion of each individual sphere is collectively determined by the relational exchanges of energy occurring within that sphere (between people, groups, nations and continents) and also simultaneously the nature of its relations with the other two spheres (for example like Bordieu - habitus & field style relational exchanges but on an energic level). Naturally then if one sphere is suffering from an imbalance then the balance of the entire ontology would be compromised.

AIM: To develop methodological capabilities of energically measuring our current methods of interaction. Measuring micro level interactions and the exchanges of energy that occur during a social interaction at the interpersonal level is the anticipated starting point........... 
For e.g. exchange of frequency and vibrations within a social interaction via verbal communication.
The more measurements of energy e.g. speech, body temp, brain activity,  

It is hoped that developing this methodology will allow momentary energy signatures of individuals and there interactions to be recorded so that the nature of energy exchanged between individuals via our means of interaction can be better understood.

Achieving this would allow the possibility of energically measuring social exchanges in terms of peace and conflict to be analysed. The possibility of measuring likelihood of conflict development at different levels of interaction.....inter personal, inter state etc....... would also improve and also the door could be opened to the possibility of evaluating and analysing the ways in which we interact with one another on all levels. 

Through achieving this analysis and evaluation the option to reconfigure our mind based realities to move more harmoniously with the naturally created world would become more of a possibility and would allow us to move one step closer to constructing a more sustainable psychological climate in terms of peace on a global level....

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