Sunday, 30 March 2014

' The Navigator ' Review - Sketch 13 & 14: (policy?) Combining Realist & Liberal perspectives.......... &

Sketch 13: (policy?) Combining Realist & Liberal perspectives..........
Political Science, Psychology and Critical Realism........

Hypotheses = Egocentric and conflictual nature has been learned it is not innate (as the defeatest realist theory suggests).

Liberal Perspective:


Liberal Realism - A freely regulating reality........

Total freedom can lead to anarchy. Even our degree of choices have there boundaries for we are not the largest force in operation within this universe.

There should be a balanced self responsibility and self regulation when exercising one's rights in terms of freedom.

The correct degree of responsibility when exercising freedom should result in win win scenarios.

50/50 blame balance

Self and others should benefit within all transactions but perhaps in varying degrees or at worst staying the same.

If the transaction is not meant to be taking place there will not be a win win option and so the pursuit should be delayed, abandoned or postponed.

Rate of activity: Timing is usually the issue if a win win transaction is not available. Patience and flexibility should be employed in this instance not heuristic (short cut) based, impatient, forced solutions driven by desperation ( pursuit of perfection -see sketch 10: PSY Cocktail ).

The goal here is to avoid acting when the psyche's naturally emerging energic wave based cycle's move into its down phase. This time should be used for stillness, inaction, recuperation, reflection, solitude, seperation and self analysis. (alignment, reception expansion (enhanced awareness levels) via stillness through mindfulness practices (self awareness).

LINK to sketch 43 - practicing consideration

Matters should never need to be forced. The practice of heuristic, self interest (egoic) fuelled co-ersion should be avoided at all costs.

If the natural rate of universal motion is being followed through harmonious action than transformation and actualization via authentic realizations will emerge effortlessly on a collective level.......

Inaction: The times of stillness and inaction (the down phase) require degrees of faith to be rewards in that.

Through this approach we can always guarantee stillness or progress rather than inflicting damage through unnatural methods of motion/progress catalysed by seeking, desire and desperation.

The cycle of our evolution must still fluctuate but in less drammatic up and down motion (think amplitude of the wave lessening)

We have a responsibility as a race to move and develop at a harmonious pace, one that is in parallel with nature......and sustainable in form.

Unfortunately right now.......

Our mind based reality is currently dominated by competitive self interest (egoic tendencies)

SEE SKETCH 10 - COCKTAIL (Conditioning trail)

This appears to be encouraging desperate levels of seeking and profiteering alongside destructive levels of competition and the mythical pursuit of perfection......

There is no attention being paid toward universal laws of being........e.g. win-win interactions and mutual reciprocation..... Balanced means of sustainable living....
Sketch 14: Our Nature must be Nurtured
Our Nature must be nurtured........?

It is not beyond our control........but we only have limited tools (choice, logic, reason....etc) with which to craft ourselves........?

There is no rigid answer.........we are born with a certain degree of our being configured through inheritance and evolution. This can then be nurtured by the input that is received and the ways in which we learn and choose to process it........

Favourable conditions for growth, development, realization and self actualization must be cultivated with the tools we are given...............

There are no difference in the tools that we are all given, all men are born equal, the only differences are in the ways we choose to perceive our circumstances and the degree of responsibility we choose to carry........ with every + there is a - & vice versa......... 

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

The 'Navigator Review' - Sketch 11 & 12: Acculturation & Perceptual Construction - The Means by Which we Relate

Sketch 11: Acculturation

ACCULTURATION ---> Psychological & Cultural Change

Negative Influence <---- Means of Production ----> privately owned + psychologically rigid - see sketch 10 cocktail.....

This private ownership is restricting and containing our potential realization (Galtung in C. Brunk, shaping a vision - p17) 

? Structural Change ? 

Culture of Production?  

Relations of production: State / Society Relationship (Closed, Private, Restricting balanced exchange of resources and realization potential?) 

Dysfunction ---> rigidity ---> Inertia ---> Static, lack of growth, evolution........REALIZATION.......

SKETCH 12: (main outline) Perceptual Construction - The Means by which we Relate

(See sketches 2, 3 and 10)

In every moment that we exist we are receiving and sending information.......

that information is arranged momentarily into a constantly shifting perception that moves and changes with time....

but what are the contents of this arrangement, (this energic interface).....or at least the more common ones.....

What are the components within our perceptually constructed interface that can become generative mechanisms for the catalysing of conflict and the development of aggression and violence when interacting with others?

Perceptual field = outflowing energy construction (see sketch 2) 

The generative mechanisms for the emergence of conflict could be the ontological constructs of 'time' and 'money'........these serve to encourage 'practicality'/ efficiency and heuristic methods of existence and being......?

Heuristic methods of perceptual construction encourage incoming content to be shaped and changed for purposes of 'practicality' / efficiency.............or to fit...........(option of norms link and sociology expansion here). It does not appear that incoming content is allowed, within current societal conditions, to settle and take shape naturally......

This could be perceived as at least a small piece of our method of existence that has served to create predictability, rigid patterns of living and cyclical modes of suffering through conditioning and restricted flows of expression and energy...........this of course directly opposes nature's original intention of infinitely evolving beauty through variety...........(us against nature argument)

Opposition - but nature also moves in a cyclical fashion.......?? 

These heuristic short cuts are encouraged on a societal level as conditional means for acceptance and also serve as a gateway for the very modern but limited transmission of love...........of course this is the one thing that we all need............but how should it be cultivated and digested? superficially? (link to psychological nourishment ideas, depth of interaction etc.)

How bizarre that we must shape ourselves in a particular way in order to be loved? 

Conditional existence........a manifestation of inertia and rigidity.......?

It is proposed then that it is these restricted, superficially limited, heuristically based and seemingly unnatural
methods of perceptual construction that allow the unbalanced and far from optimal methods of interaction and energy exchange to occur between people, groups, institutions and states.  
It is in turn believed that these unbalanced methods of interaction through energy exchange are the catalysts at the micro root level of our beings existence  for insecurity, and fear to develop which when used to regain security and control develop into anger, aggression and violence. As these waves of unmanaged, unbalanced energy gather momentum civil unrest and eventually wars can emerge.

Link to THESIS SKETCH 2: Boxes concept

Expand discussion about heuristic methods with examples........

E.G. Conditioned lack of openness stopping the development of trust via honesty and also the prevention of understanding, empathy and acceptance.......

(them) us against nature.......what if we don't collectively want to be like nature? our current patterns in that case would right on track?
(us) but what about sustainable patterns?
(them) are we not still growing as a race, expanding?

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

' The Navigator ' Review: Sketch 9 & 10 - Means of Relating (how do we engage with one another) & The Psychological Cocktail (observing some patterns of societal interaction / energy exchange)

Sketch 9: The Means (methods) by which we relate / interact with each other
Means of Relating (Successful Relationship Product = Reciprocal Love) --> Balanced Means of production...?

(Internal Fusion / Dualisitc (mind and body) Synthesis / balance )

A level beneath the means of production.......(See previous post - abstract)

At this level it appears that access and awareness to our energies becomes available.....
Sketch 10: The Psychological Cocktail - Sketching an Overview of some societal patterns of relation / interaction...(energy exchange) 


Egocentric (self interest/desire fuelled), Materialistic, superficial, patterns of Humanitarian behaviour are a result of learned (conditioned/socialized) patterns of is not innate....

CO-existing, peaceful conditions can be created (Energically constructed) through careful choices and desireless decision making. (Self Control?)

The products (output) of our existence......war, terror, fear are the result of our perceptual methods of reception (input), our appraisal methods (Lazarus & Folkman, 1974).

Conditoned psychological cocktail patterns = hobbes, machiavelli, hegel, marx

Externalisation -

Relinquishing/giving away self control/self responsibility/power over self........product of democracy  which is a dysfunctional means of relation.....? 
Or does it encourage placing faith and trust in others.......? See Sketch 39

Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan ----> States that Human Aggression cannot be controlled individually.......... (no)
He also states that desire (wanting an outcome) motivates all human action.......(yes)
Argument: can we not learn to control our desires.....?

This also contradicts machiavelli's notion that we are in control of nature, our own progress and our future...........?

How responsible should we be with Self control?

(Also see - Seville Statement of Violence)

LINK TO SKETCH 23 social obs -- > People and Boxes..........and sketch 2 relaity construction & sketch 3 identity construction.........also link to social obs note 17.........

Also link sketch 38: survival instinct - evolution and self interest


when did it start.....?

Resources, food, survival......but why is it still happening?

Means of production have become very efficient now so that we need not compete......?

We are evolving past the notions of Machiavelli and the necessarily innovative and spirited style of conflict generating existence.
Our needs have changed, our methods and means psychologically have not...... 

A distinct lack in evolution psychologically......? Not enough ACCULTURATION

Because of psychological malnourishment caused by materialistic and superficial living patterns....


Unbalanced rate of evolution has emerged from the pursuit of the myth that is perfection.....

Desire has been fuelled by Marxist & Hegelian ideals....causing an imbalance in societal interactions (inequitable exchange).....and is burning us to the ground........

Machiavelli also encouraged an innovative and energetic style of being..........citing war as anecessarycondition for progress
is there a lack of reflection on our methods of interaction, decision making and habitus formation ......?

at what rate should we be progressing? should it not be harmonious in method and sustainable in nature?


Material profiteering......

Marxist ideals..... "Material objects moving history not ideas"......

- Clashing of opposing forces (Neccessary - Hegel).....according to hegel..... (making War necessary?)

could this have catalysed our disregard toward nature and our surroundings........? 

The ideal of progress as the sole aim of politics and civilization (Machiavelli) rather than balance and harmony.

Resulting in EXTERNALISED EXISTANCE "MATERIALISTIC" n nature.... A COLLECTIVE DISTORTION.............fuelling a perceived necessity for unregulated dynamics of competition and opposition.........

Constant Outflow of energy........which is HEURISTICALLY tarnished because of the lack of inward attention (SELF RESPONSIBILITY/reflection).....

No inward flow.....

Energic Imbalance.........

Unatural state of being - we are in control of our own future, we control nature and our own progress........

This results in a poisonous cocktail being belched out of humanity collectively.........
and constructs a constant battle fought with an illusory materialistic enemy
(the projection of our unconscious selves)