How do we do it? --------> (ideally) Choice driven energic relational (social) construction......?
Without egoic self interest/agenda......(cultural conditioning/mind configuration?)
Up to now it has been assumed that all our cognition must conform to the objects; but ... let us once try whether we do not get farther with the problems of metaphysics by assuming that the objects must conform to our cognition.
He argued that human concepts and categories structure our view of the world and its laws, and that reason is the source of morality.........
1) Perceptual Construction
Things within our world (perceived events) can be placed or framed subjectively through choices into a perceptual arrangement that creates a reality but how?
(awareness determines the degree of choice we can make when constructing, and awareness is developed through self analysis....etc)
Current knowledge (REF's??) suggest that chosen 'frames' or pathways for received perceptual data such as thought streams, beliefs systems, judgements, opinions, stereotypes and prejudices, assumptions......are constructed by....
decisions and value judgements deriving from the chosen valuation of worth (valuing) and analysis of the received data......commonly done through the method of comparison.........
Valuation habits and patterns of analysis (or ethical pathways) for perceived data can be created or learned.....(conditioned).....e.g. prejudice, stereotyping, assumptions.......
These perceived events having been subjected to appraisal habits and patterns of analysis and evaluation are processed and then placed through choice onto subjective pathways of representation. In summary all the data that is received is arranged into an pattern which subjectively constructs.......our reality..........
(see sketch 5 choice & Subjectivity)
2) The Construction Process
This reality (like a cloud around us) emits a certain energy signature, frequency/vibration.....modulating and fluctuating from moment to moment as a result of energy flowing through us that is altered via internal and external interactions (e.g. bodily processes, socialising, environmental conditions....expand further......).........which in turn are guided by our choices. The degree of control over these choices hinges on our level of awareness...........(link to vidar - energy thresholds ----> energy casting model as well perhaps.....?)
Role of the mind....? (an energic channel?)
(KANT: In simple terms, Kant argued that our experiences are structured by necessary features of our minds. The mind shapes and structures experience so that, on an abstract level, all human experience shares certain essential structural features. Among other things, Kant believed that the concepts of
space and
time are integral to all human experience, as are our concepts of
cause and
[5] We never have
direct experience of things, the
noumenal world, and what we do experience is the
phenomenal world as conveyed by our senses. These observations summarize Kant's views upon the
subject–object problem.)
The mind projects (independently?) a momentary reality via feedback from interactions which balances the introverted and extroverted energies of the individuals energy cloud with the energies of the collective cloud (society)....(collective cloud = sum of all external feedback, the collectively constructed mind based reality, individual cloud = the individuals constructed mind based reality.)
Differences in the perceived collective and individual reality if integrated successfully result in realization, actualization, change, growth, expansion.....
If differences are not reconcilable then "madness" paths can emerge......boxed, people can be contained for fear of threat to there version of reality which has been constructed.......
The mind: undisturbed it is a serving homoeostatic energy organises energy received from others, the environment and that which is self generated into a mind based complimentary configuration of reality which relates to natural reality in some degree.
Degree of harmony in our methods of being both collectively and individually is linked to the awareness and the amount of energy received that is actually useable...........(able to be processed)........
Our choices (degree of control of these is determined by awareness) in this process which can alter the signature of energy being expressed determine the level of harmony or disharmony which is achieved with the world....... (E.g. social alignment through norms - conforming - destructive/false harmony authentic individuation - productive harmony)
Our entire system, energy wise, requires choices. (link to sketch 24 - nature of life) From the fuel that is chosen (diet) to the way in which we interact (socialising)...verbally and non verbally...all is energy. It is all one stream flowing through us.......
The Stream:
A universal stream of energy (intuition, creativity) enters from the top down , a earth stream (in some way nourishing? (detail needed) If the earth was healthy..) enters from the bottom up, the momentary contents of our system (bio, psycho, social) mixes with both of these and results in an aggregated momentary output. This aggregate is then cast out onto whatever our attention is directed at..... The mind as a channel releases this energy out into the world...ideally without interfering or distorting that harmony between the natural and the constructed is found
Mind configurations:
The egoic configuration of the mind is a mode that is conditioned externally by society encouraging obsessive interferance (constant doing) and distortion to the natural flow of being and existance through excessive thought generation and constant valuation and comparison.......externally......
With sufficient levels of internal awareness this configuration can be altered........ through internal reflection.......
Toward a heart based reality.....?
( Link to Sketch 10 - Psy Cocktail, Sketch 17 & 23 Social OBS )
As the stream of energy flows through our beings we can choose if we want to do anything with it...
The level of choice that we exercise links to our level of awareness
..... Our overall awareness of possibilties for channelling energy develops and grows with our ability to introvert energy, to let it move inwards and nourish the spirit (self reflection, analysis, solitude, stilling the mind).....rather than sending it out to nourish constructed external things......
Analogy - roots under the surface (the introverted world:spirit) branches above the soil (the extroverted world - materialism)
Both parts must be nourished equally....!
The more nourished the internal sub surface roots of the tree are the more widely the external branches can grow and the more fruit that can be supported....
This egoic external mode of existance encourages so much energy to be used externally on objects that our inner health suffers..........without stilling the mind so that energy finds its way inwards.........our clarity upon matters will suffer and abilitiy to make choices and direct energy in a balanced way when constructing our reality will always be compromised........
.heuristics argument.....
Because this excessive outflow of energy onto our materialistic object orientated (mind based) existance occurs to such a degree our subject, inner spirit and clarity are compromised. Not enough energy is being allowed to flow inwards.
This limits our ability to assess and reflect inwardly upon our actions......inner awareness is currently being forfeited and so the degree of choices available when directing our energy is currently reduced.........
ISSUE: inner awareness? External awareness?
External & internal valuation/analysis?
Deliberate chanelling of energy
Mindfulness - being aware of the mind and what it is doing with the energy stream in terms of constructing.......
This level of awareness allows the mind to be employed deliberately to direct energy.......
This concentrates energy and improves efficiency......
At this stage responsibility becomes very terms of the consequences of what is built......
CONCEPT: Construction Methods --> Reality
Materialist Methods........Static, rigid, unresponsive, no feedback mechanism or active revision processes.......
superficial nourishment of the roots.......